How to Avoid SYN Cookies DOS Attacks
SYN Flooding is the most common DDOS attack. I have tried to explain some tweaks through which you can avoid these attacks.
First of all you need to make sure to set following values in your /etc/sysctl.conf file:
Set iptables accordingly. iptables comes with a module limit by using it a DDOS attack can be tackled.
1. Create a new chain and name it, say, SYNFLOOD,
# iptables -N SYNFLOOD
2. Add a limit to no.of packets 15 per second with a max burst of about 20, by using the limit module.
# iptables -A SYNFLOOD -m limit –limit 15/second –limit-burst 20 -j ACCEPT
NOTE: –limit 15/second value can be less or more, based on your server traffic. So please use hit & trial method to find a correct threshold value for your server.
3. And of course, we will need to drop packets which exceed the above limitation
# iptables -A SYNFLOOD -j DROP
4. Now all that was left was to “jump” to this new chain for incoming tcp syn packets on port 80.
# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –syn –dport http -j SYNFLOOD
And to look at what was set up –
# iptables -L -v
Enjoy !!!
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