Category Archives: Linux Tips & Tutorials

Enable HTTP Compression in lighttpd

Compression can save your valuable bandwidth & helps your site load faster on client’s end. However on the other end it takes little extra resources of your server.

Generating Public/Private Key Pair for PKI Access

Preliminary Setup

Setting up public key authentication to access a particular remote host is a one-time procedure comprising three steps.

Converting Amazon EC2 Instance-store instances to EBS instances

The biggest reason most of us switch from instance store to EBS backed instance is that S3 backed (instance-store) images are not persistent i.e. they can loose the changes when rebooted whereas EBS provides “block level storage volumes for use with Amazon EC2 instances.”.  The other basic differences are:

Configure Lighttpd with chroot Jail Environment on centos-5 Machine

Common Information: chroot jail directory /webroot lighttpd document root /webroot/var/www/lighttpd

1. Install lighttpd, php and mysql server

SSH with chroot Jail

There are numerous times when we sysadmins are asked to configure SSH access for restricted users in chroot jail environment. In this tutorial I have tried to explain the configuration of SSH in chrooted environment.

Pros & Cons of WordPress Multisite

Are you running multiple stand alone installations of WordPress sites for either yourself or clients? Sick of having to log into each site every time there is a core update or plugin/theme update to apply? Then multisite may be your answer. WordPress 3 has made it possible to host multiple domains within one installation of wordpress. While, in theory, this sounds like a plus, but there are many pros & cons of it and you should seriously consider them before jumping in to hosting multiple domains on your single WordPress installation.

Manage Apache download speed & Traffic Speeds

In this tutorial I will show you how to install & setup mod_cband on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora (64-bit version)

How to install Tomcat6 on RHEL/CentOS 5

During my first time setup of tomcat6 on CentOS 5, I struggled to get the tomcat6 version working correctly, this drove me to write this tutorial, I hope this tutorial will help you.

Enable Query Cache in MySQL

If you want to get optimized and speedy response from your MySQL server then you can enable caching by using following two configurations directives to your MySQL server:

How to configure MySQL High Availability with DRBD & Heartbeat on CentOS

In this tutorial, we’re going to go through the entire process of installing, configuring and testing DRBD, Heartbeat and MySQL running in a 2 node cluster environment. This will be a general configuration for learning.